We got ourselves an Epi Pen

My little Kaden has had a couple of reactions to Peanuts in his 5 years of life...enough to know that we are to avoid Peanuts.  Kaden is very aware and he knows that he shouldn't have it...He Hates the smell...Whenever someone gives him food, he is always asking if it has peanuts...When School started, we informed them that he is allergic to peanuts. I hadn't been too worried because he has always been close to me and I could let people know that he was allergic...The school sent home a medical form stating they needed it in writing from a Dr.  I had talked to his Pediatritian about it a while back and he said that they did testing in Salt Lake...I never did because I thought...why would I want to get him tested for something I know he has had reactions to? and...it's such a pain to go to the city for a 20 minute appointment and besides that, they usually require a consultation first which would mean 2 separate appointments...excuses. excuses... So today I finally took Kaden in to an Allergy specialist here in town...I was hoping to get him checked to see if he was in fact allergic...  The Dr. said that he didn't even recommend testing for a peanut allergy...too risky!  He just signed my paperwork telling them he had an Anaphalactic Peanut Allergy (based on the reactions he has had that I informed him about) and then he prescibed me a couple of Epi Pens just in case...This was what I was hoping for...
..It really is quite scary so I am letting you know...if you are with my Kaden...
I got a backup plan just in case...BUT...I hope to NEVER have to use these suckers...


I love this blog background I was going to use it but my computer wouldn't let me.
Noted Kaden No PEANUTS.
Glad to have good health again, and just want you to know that your kids are adorable. Can't wait for #4 to get here.
Marci said…
OK, so I may have got on hoping to see something about a certain someone that will be joining our crazy world soon. :D Food allergies are so hard. I'm glad they didn't make him go through that horrible test! Good luck in the next week. Praying for you and that baby.