Elizabeth Sarah Snow was Born

Ok so Debra is in the Hospital and I know she would want to Blog about today. When she gets back I'm sure she will have a lot more to say. Our wonderful little one was born September 21st at 10:09am, weighing 6 lb. 15 oz. she is our shortest at 18in tall. This is the smallest (when they were born) of our children.

So this is our third child by C-section. I did not stand up on the other two, but when the doctor asked this time I thought I would brave it and look. It was not as bad as I had expected.

Anyway, Elizabeth is doing well. All the vitals were good and in fact baby and I were out of the nursery before Debra was out of the operating room.


Melissa said…
Yay! I am so happy for you! Glad that everything went well and that your baby girl arrived safe and sound.
Can't wait to see pictures!
Congratulations! I can't wait to see her!
Congrats you guys- can't wait for pictures!!