Dance and Art Workshop Day 3

Today we Made African Drums...Well we threw in some watercolor techniques using Warm and Cool Colors...We also talked a little about using Radial Designs...We will finish the drums tomorrow...
For the youngest class, we watercolored large sheets of paper together as a group using cool colors.  They were then given their own warm strip. The oldest group was given their own.  I thought this worked very well for the amount of time that we had...I always thinks that it's so fun to watch the kids comfort level increase as the day goes on...They always start out very slow and by the end, it seems they are flipping paint everywhere...Gotta love a good mess!   It will be fun to see how their drums turn out tomorrow...


Marci said…
I wish with all my heart Ava could be in your cless. She would love it! It's so funny she used to be completely bored with anything artsy and now she wants to do projects all day. Please please post how to make those flowers. :)