Given the current situation, I have become a big slacker when it comes to my garden.
As you can tell, there are obnixious weeds all along the back of the fence that need to be sprayed...
The Peas, Beans, Carrots, Onions and 1 tomato plant are hardly recognizable due to the "healthy morning glory" beginning to take over the entire garden...They are there...
Well after I had gone to water aerobics, mowed the duplex lawn, watered the plants,
I walked past the garden and thought:
"It's a lost cause. I am NEVER going to make it to this mess of a garden"
Well...this boy in my ward comes and asks me within minutes of my thoughts:,
He says, "Can I do any work for you? I am trying to earn some money"
I say "Boy do I have a Job for you!"
Thank you Nick!!!
and Bekkah!