3D Ultrasound Pictures

It was fun to go get our 3D Ultrasound Today...
They are very interesting and it's amazing what they can see...We didn't get the best shots I think because she was moving...but we got some:)
We took the kids with us this time.  They were very excited to be able to see her face, nose, eyes, fingers, hands, and hear the U/S lady say that she thinks it is still a girl...
I cannot believe we have another little one coming in just over 100 days..
Here's just a few images that I thought were kinda cute...
See the cutest little cheek, mouth, chin, nose etc...
We were lucky to get some head shots...apparently, I have an anterior placenta and she likes to keep her head snuggled up against it...

 She's got an ear...
 See her little fist and a couple of toes just under her arm?

 Her little legs...I love her little kicks!


Melissa said…
I'm used to seeing 2D pictures so it took me a while to get where I could see these, but what a cute face!

Exciting exciting! :)
Marci said…
So excited for Baby girl Snow!