New Years Eve 2011

New Year's Eve was Spent with my parents in Deweyville this year..Those who were so lucky to attend were  My Mom, Dad, Sister Amber, Kara and 3 of her 7 children, Kandi, Shya and Landen, My brother Kenny and his 3 children Conner, Devin and Kaylee, and my Brother Glenn and his 2 children Madi and Makayla.  We had a house full.  It was lot of fun and the food was good...

Deweyville has started a little New Years Eve tradition...they meet at the park around 11:45 for a nice little campfire, donuts and hot chocolate...At midnight they do a nice little fireworks display...The boys were in Bed by 9 (I was somewhat relieved)  Ryan was happy to stay home with them....Bekkah REALLY wanted to go...she wanted me to wake her so BAD! She fell asleep around 11 and we headed out around 11:30...I tried to sneak her up to bed but she insisted....see how sleepy she is?

 It was SOOOOO CCOOOOLLLDDD!!!!  but the hot chocolate and fire was warm:)

 As exciting as the Fireworks show was, Bekkah was so excited to finally be in the car...sorry no pictures of the fireworks...Bekkah was FREEZING and I couldn't help but hold her....I have never seen her so happy to go to bed...
Happy New Year!!!
