Today we went to the Post Office. I took my own tape because I wasn't finished packaging. As I was finishing up, Kaden said "Mom, she's using your tape". Dustin got a little upset too..."she got your tape mom" in his low voice, furrowed eyebrows and cutest sour face...It was true, another customer was using my tape. I told Dustin it would be okay and that I guess I get to share today. Dustin wasn't buying it, he walked over to the other customer with furrowed eyebrows and said "that's my moms tape" in his deep cute voice, furrowed eyebrows and sour face, and the customer using the tape finally noticed Dustin...She said "oh, is he sad?" so I said, "He's a little concerned about you using our tape but that's okay. I set it on the table. No worries. Do you need any more?" She apologized and gave the tape right back. Dustin smiled big, laughed and jumped for joy again and again. Dustin shouted "thank you! She gave back! She gave back!" We all had a good laugh...